
Suhas was in town this last weekend so he and Kingsley played a quick game of tennis. It started off as a "casual" sunday afternoon game but quickly turned highly competitive. After lots of sweat and maybe a tear or two...Suhas won. Match # 2 will take place in India this December... you can be sure Kingsley will be practicing between now and then!!
Living in Singapore
I guess it never occurred to me that signs like these were needed as a reminder. However, at the SPCA (where I foster kittens) rabbits have been the most popular pet adopted almost every month since the Chinese New Year (CNY).
We have a neighbor that has a CNY rabbit that she "walks" on a leash in the dog park near our house. Really the rabbit just sits there scared stiff while our neighbor tugs it along. For the record, rabbit on leash and dogs off leash are NOT a good combo. I'm surprised the little bunny is still alive!

Its apparent that pet stores are experiencing the same run on rabbits. Note the signage: "I'm lovely, I'm cute but do not buy me on impulse"
2012 is the year of the dragon...hmmm thats going to be interesting!
Living in Singapore
Saw these parents on the MRT the other day. They were obviously (note guide book poking out of cargo shorts pocket) tourists exploring Singapore with a baby. I couldn't help but watch in awe as the mom calmly counted out scoops of formula and the dad prepped the bottle while on a moving train with a screaming child.
I still can't decide if these parents are my heroes for being so adventurous or crazy for trying to feed a baby on the Singapore subway where no FOOD or DRINK is allowed...even for babies!
Living in Singapore
Many Taoist Chinese believe that in the 7th lunar month the gates of hell open allowing the spirits of the dead to roam around the earth with the living. Some of these spirits are good but many have malicious intent and must be appeased.
During the month of the hungry ghost people make offerings of food and burnt prayer money to the souls of the dead to appease them. They also burn paper replicas of cars, houses and even iPhones.

"Hell money" which are fakes bills with lucky serial numbers are burnt in such huge quantities that burn bins have been set up all over Singapore to contain the blaze.
The month of the hungry ghost is in general a bad time to do anything. Many Singaporeans avoid any significant milestones during this time believing that it will bring bad luck. People also avoid flying in planes, buying property, moving, and getting married. Swimming is also avoided and many children are told that the hungry ghost will pull them under so they will have a soul to take their place in hell. Maybe that's why Kingsley and I were the only one's in the pool this last weekend...

You can see burn bins like this all over the city. I watched this group burn a paper replica of a 24 pack of Chinese beer and millions of dollars of paper money!
The video shows a good overview of the festival.
Living in Singapore
Last week was Singapore's 46th birthday. During last years celebrations I was fighting off pneumonia but somehow Kingsley and I still managed to go watch the parade and fireworks. This year we decided to do something fun, low key and away from the crowds. So we headed to Pulau Ubin a small island (which belongs to Singapore) off the east coast of Singapore.
You may remember that last time Kingsley and I visited Pulau Ubin we made the crazy mistake of renting a $2
tandem bike for the day. We went this time around with a clear understanding that everyone gets their own bike! There are lots of bike trails and mountain biking trails on the island and we wanted to check them out.
Our friends Kim and Ant joined us for the day.

Kingsley and Ant decided to take on the double black diamond challenge which in my mind was crazy. Kim and I took the Blue square (AKA easy) route which was just right!
Picture below is the start of the ride, can you see the trail??

Of course my wonderful techy husband digitally captured the ride. Warning do not watch directly after eating...
Living in Singapore
Living in Singapore I had to learn (the hard way) that you absolutely MUST get rid of any and all food in the kitchen prior to leaving the house for any duration longer than one night. Arriving home after traveling to find a colorful array of mold and an army of ants in your kitchen is not something you soon forget!
Side note - another interesting part of living in the tropics is that if you open a box of cereal, bag a chips, packet of cookies and do not finish it immediately you must put what is left into the fridge. Otherwise often within a matter of minutes whatever you left out will be transformed into a limp pile of mush by the ever present humidity.
Anyway, when Kingsley and I returned from Bali there was literal NOT A THING in the house to eat which required a late night rendezvous to the grocery store to remedy. This normally would be fine, but somehow we missed that it was a Sunday evening which I am now convinced is the night that every other Singaporean goes shopping. Lets just say it was painful...we waited in line to get our grocery cart, weigh our produce, and to buy our groceries. But that was nothing compared to the taxi line to get our groceries home. After an hour and a half in the grocery store just to pick up a few essentials we waited another hour plus in the taxi line. It was almost midnight by the time we arrived home and Kingsley and I were both pretty traumatized. In fact I'm pretty sure Kingsley would be very happy to never set foot in a grocery store again!
Take away message- NEVER EVER go shopping on a Sunday evening in Singapore.

I'm pretty sure Kingsley has mastered the art of sleeping while standing...impressive.

We waited so long that the ladies in front of us decided to squat in line.
Living in Singapore
Last weekend a bunch of us girls went out on the town to celebrate Alex and Lonna who are getting married this upcoming September and October.
The night started off with a dinner at Pizza Mozza followed by our first game of the night where the girls had to correctly answer a series of questions that we had asked their fiancés about them.
For example: What is his pet name for you? What are three words your future spouse would use to describe you? What is your worst habit?
Any wrong answer meant the girls had to drink a shot of Sambuca (yuck) And let me tell you there was a lot of "I can't believe he said that" exclamations and shots consumed.
We then dressed the brides to be up with boas and veils and went to Ku De Ta to dance.

Everyone was having such a great time that we ended up staying out till 5:30am! Which I think may be a first for me!
Living in Singapore
Kingsley and I feel very fortunate to be counted as "one of the gang" among the crazy and wonderful Temple Pilots paragliding group out of Pune India. Last year the crowd welcomed us in Bali with open arms making extra efforts to make sure that Kingsley and I always felt included. This year we experienced another unforgettable two weeks deepening established friendships and beginning many new friendships.

We had such a great time with the Temple Pilots Kingsley and I have decided to go to India this Christmas and New Years to visit everyone.
Travel Adventures

As wonderful as Bali is, make no mistake...the number one reason why we went last year and again this year was (obviously) the paragliding. I have to admit I don't always understand the passion Kingsley has for flying but I do know that very little in this world makes him happier than spending the day in the air. And seeing him happy makes me happy...sappy I know.
This Bali trip was also extra extra special because Kingsley had just bought a new wing and he has been DESPERATE to try it out.

Kingsley is on the left, Suhas is on the right.
Make sure you check out the
Bali paragliding video our friend Suhas put together for some great footage of the two of them flying together as well as Kingsley doing the "wind dance" and juggling. What can I say, my husband is a man of many talents.
I also had a chance to fly tandem this trip which was very special. Avi, the paragliding instructor for the Temple Pilots Paragliding School, took me for an amazing half an hour long flight in which I actually took over the controls for a good 5 minutes! :)
Travel Adventures

If you are ever in Bali I would highly recommend checking out
Blue Point Villa and Spa. Its a very unique and romantic spot that was recommended to us by our friends Kim and Ant who especially love the spot because they got engaged in the amazing infinity pool perched on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. For around $20 you can spend the day at the pool with a drink and meal included. Its located on the southwest part of the island which is where all the expert surfer dudes go to surf.

You can't really see the surfers in this picture but they are out there, we got to see some pretty gnarly surfing runs.

There's nothing like a stunning sunset to make you feel like you are on top of the world!
Travel Adventures

It has become my tradition while we are traveling to encourage Kingsley to get his haircut. Mostly because I love seeing Kingsley get a little nervous and there isn't really too much that can go wrong with a guys haircut. The Bali haircut experience was especially great as poor Kingsley almost walked out when he saw how many lip and chin piercings his (not a day over) 18 year old barber had. However, with a flight to catch and it being our last day in Bali he decided to stick it out and for $4.68 I think it turned out pretty well.
Travel Adventures
Horses have always been a fascination of mine. One of my favorite memories with my mom is a trip we took together to the Grapevine Canyon Ranch for a week rounding up cattle. Since then I always try to keep my eyes open for unique riding experiences and definitely found that in Bali.
Umalas is a stable run by a German woman named Sabine who has lived in Bali for over 20 years. She absolutely loves her horses...infact so much so that there is a non-negotiable weight restriction for riding of 85kg which Kingsley was just over. I emailed Sabine to see if there was some leeway with the restriction but she was firm that 85kg was the cut off. Thus my riding adventure was a solo event however, something tells me Kingsley didn't mind too much as he was paragliding.

It was just me and a guide riding for 3 hours on the beach. After watching me briefly to make sure I knew what I was doing on a horse my guide gave me the freedom to canter or walk or swim with my horse Manny. Words can't really describe how amazing it is to canter down a beautiful deserted beach on a gorgeous horse. Only downside of the experience was how sore my rear end was the next day!

Travel Adventures

Just returned from our second trip to Bali, we went the exact same week last year. And just like last year we had another week full of fun and adventure with the Temple Pilots from Pune India.
On the days it was not "flyable" Kingsley and I did some day trips to explore a bit more of the island. One of these trips was to the Uluwatu temple which was built in the 11th Century. It majestically sits 70 meters up on limestone cliffs overlooking the Indian ocean. I have been told its one of the best spots to go to watch the sunset.
The temple is inhabited by a very large group of monkeys who are extremely adept at snatching your belongings including: bags, glasses, shoes and earrings. If successful at grabbing something they can usually be bribed to return the item in exchange for fruit however, the exchange rate is completely at the monkeys discretion. So in short, they pretty much run the show. For $10 you can hire a monkey guard who walks next to you with a sling shot, but I had Kingsley to protect me so we were fine. The monkeys tested him once but upon learning he meant business, the monkey word went out and we were left alone the rest of the time.
Travel Adventures

Mark was promoted to a Corporal in the Marines yesterday. I don't fully understand all that goes into the military ranking system but I do know that Mark has been promoted through the ranks very quickly and I am very proud of him for that.
Family and Friends