Grocery Cart Taboo
This Sunday Kingsley and I got back into the swing of things and went yoga and sushi lunch. Later on the way home Kingsley kindly offered to go grocery shopping with me for the week and to help me with the heavy carrying of groceries. Of course it had to start torrentially raining while we were in the store so we walked out with a shopping cart full of food and NO TAXI’s available. Our only hope was to catch the number 11 bus but the bus stop was quite a distance from the store exit.
Rainy Sunday from Lynn Wood on Vimeo.
In Singapore all grocery carts have coin slots on them. It costs a $1 coin to unlock the cart and you regain that $1 coin when you return the cart to its rightful spot with the other carts. Its a great system because basically NO ONE takes the cart outside the designated cart zones for fear of not getting their $1 back. Kingsley of course had to be a renegade and to the shock and horror of many onlookers pushed the brimming shopping cart in the rain all the way to the bus stop. It was a brilliant move as we were able to get on the bus and did make it home in one piece with our groceries but I will always giggle at the stunned stares Kingsley received by onlookers watching him with that cart.
Rainy Sunday from Lynn Wood on Vimeo.