No Durian in Taxis

3 Response to "No Durian in Taxis"

  • Anonymous Says:

    HAHA.....They smell so awful. We always heard the saying...."smells like hell, tastes like heaven!!. Have you had any yet? I don't think I ever had any because I couldn't get past the smell!!!

  • Anonymous Says:

    i am being really thick but what does not durain mean. i can't figure out the picture!

  • Unknown Says:

    Durian is an asian fruit that to some people smells bad, however I don't mind the smell, but I might be a bit biased since I'm asian and have smelt some really interesting foods...
    Durian has a green spiky husk, depending on how ripe it is and the flesh is usually a yellowish color and is sweet. You peel the flesh and discard the seed, unless you cook the seed then it's safe to eat. It can become a sticky mess, but it's worth the work to get the fruit! You can find the fruit in the states, usually in a vietnamese market.