Sep 19 2010

Seattle Scavenger hunt

Challenge Nation was in Seattle while I was in town, so 3 of my best girlfriends and I decided to take them on! Challenge Nation is a type of scavenger hunt, similar to the Amazing Race. Each team is given clues and you have to finish the race with the best time to win.

Carmen reading us the clues

There were 133 teams competing in the race. We finished 111th...not our best time ever but I think our multiple coffee and snack breaks may have slowed us down just a bit!

Clue: this urban waterfall commemorates the employees of what was once the American Messenger Service at the site of its founding.

Answer: I have no idea what this waterfall is called or how exactly we found it

Clue: These craft perform "Chesley S." like maneuvers everyday with no headlines!

Answer: Kenmore air on lake union

Clue: Why this wall was a top spot for engagement photos, we'll never know.

Answer: Gum wall at Pikes Place Market

Clue: What do you get when you add a dramatic former View personality and a NBA team? Take a photo at the original- making a human pyramid out front including one other Challenge team.
Answer: Starbucks at Pikes Place Market

We worked hard during the race and walked/ran all over Seattle so the next morning it was "pedicure time".

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