Jan 28 2012

Krabi - Rock Climbing

In this new year I am incredibly thankful for Jen who was willing to go with me on a crazy adventure filled rock climbing trip over Chinese New Year especially since she has this "thing" about heights.  I have been desperate to rock climb in Krabi ever since we moved to Asia but rock climbing just isn't Kingsley's thing.  I had just about given up on the thought of ever going when Jen said she would be interested.  She may still be regretting volunteering so quickly!

I chose King Climbers as our guide for the 2 days we climbed.  Specifically because they have a great reputation and have had no accidents in all the years they have been in business.  Of all the different King climber guides I think Jen and I got the very best one.  Suk was very patient and incredibly experienced.  He knew just the right time to shout a quick tip about where the nearest handhold was and also knew when to keep quiet to let us figure it out on our own.

I was in love with climbing in Krabi from my very first climb.  I was only pulled of the mountain each day when my poor body couldn't take any more abuse and every muscle quivered in exhaustion.  I am still recovering from a sprained ankle, bashed and bruised elbows and knees and shredded finger nails.  All a small price to pay for the feeling of completing a climb and enjoying the view at the top looking out over the Andaman ocean.

Jen was much more hesitant with climbing and with the heights.  Although it was pretty evident early on that climbing was not going to be Jens new found passion, she still gave it her best everyday and did not give up on a climb easily.

2 Response to "Krabi - Rock Climbing"

  • Lesley Wood Says:

    You are so brave! Well done for the effort to Jen!

  • James Says:

    Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Rock Climbing Community? Our members will love it.
    Members include: Other Rock Climbers, Guides, Experts and Clubs
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website… it’s a win win. You can also add Photos, Videos and equipment Classifieds if you like. It’s free and easy.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    The Rock Climbing Community: http://www.vorts.com/rock_climbing/
    James Kaufman, Editor