Live infomercials

You cannot walk through a home store here without passing numerous live demonstrations of the products for sale. A woman cooking stir-fry in the latest wok, a man showing you how his knives are the best because they can cut through anything, a woman making animal shaped pancakes on a griddle. I find these live demos incredibly entertaining and, much to Kingsley's dismay, will often sit through the entire demo several times. Like a kid in the candy shop, Kingsley often has to drag me away before I buy another "amazing" thing that I will never use.
We came across one of these demos during our first week in Singapore and although we were still living in a hotel room Kingsley and I both agreed that we needed this item. A month and a half later I can say it is a very useful kitchen tool and have used it almost everyday. I saw the demo again today and thought I would try to capture a bit on video.
Warning: if you watch this clip you may find yourself wanting it as well.

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