Our first visitor!

Cman came to visit this last weekend!! She was only able to stay for apx 48 hours so we tried our best to take her to do and see as much as possible with some time left over to just hang out and catch up. She amazingly managed to stay awake during the day and sleep at night despite the almost opposite time zones.
Here are a few photos from our adventure fabulous weekend.

Out to dinner at Clarke Quay
Cman and Kingsley try the fish spa- very funny video below

Having lunch at a indoor hawker center- saw a woman selling drinks off of a segway. Carm thought it was the coolest thing ever and bought multiple drinks from her just so I could take a photo. At the end of lunch and after purchasing quite a few diet cokes Carm confessed "That girl has my dream job!"
Our last night- went to Jumbo seafood on the beach. Carm and I ordered the black pepper crab which was fantastic. We were given matching Jumbo bibs for the occasion.

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