Top 10 things I love about Asia

# 1 - This car is not a compact it's an SUV
# 2- You never have to worry about when laundry day is
# 3 - You are never sure about what you actually buying at the store

# 4 - Men have no problems carrying a ladies purse

# 5 - You can find sheep's placenta supplements at the grocery store

#6 - If the capsule version of sheeps placenta is not doing the trick, just go buy the real thing

#7 - It is perfectly normal to wear matching outfits as an adult couple

#8 - Lines...learn to love them or you will go crazy. We waited 45 minutes in this line to eat at Nandos. Well worth every minute.

#9 - You never know what you will find while reading labels

# 10 - No one is ever too old for Hello Kitty...even on your wedding day.

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