A typical Sunday at East Coast Park

Even after 4 months of living in Singapore, I am still learning so many bizarre and wonderful things. For example, did you know that prawning is a major past time here? For those of you who are as clueless as I was to the art of prawning, here is how it works. You show up at a prawning center with all of your gear. Gear includes: multiple fishing poles, multiple fishing lines, multiple prawn lures, and most importantly...hot sauce.

Once at the prawning center you establish "your zone" around the pond and proceed to "prawn" for hours until enough are caught to satisfy your appetite. They are then taken to the BBQ Pitt, grilled, and eaten in "your zone" while you continue prawning for the next batch. Please note that this is all taking place in a concrete pond and the prawn to prawner ratio is openly adjusted as needed. Kingsley and I rode our bikes past a prawning center and I could not resist watching for a while.

This is so much more than a hobby, it is a passion.

First course of the evening, to be followed by...more prawns! This would be even better with a little Nandos Peri Peri sauce on top!

Notice the look of envy in the other prawners eyes as this guy catches a real beauty!

Kingsley has been begging me to try this new cool skateboard with only two wheels called the wave board. All the kids around here have them so, naturally Kingsley was dying to give it a try. I finally gave in and we rented him a board. First thing he did was bond with the local skater dudes to pick up a few tips and spent a few glorious hours imagining he was a kid again. In this video the "# 1 cool kid" took pity on him and decided to give him a few pointers to improve his technique. You can hear the kid yell "yeah you are doing it!" which absolutely made Kingsley's day!

Not to be outdone by my skater husband I rented Kangaroo Jumps which look like roller blades but in the place of wheels at the bottom there are springs. So instead of running you bounce along. If I ever run a marathon it will be in these shoes, they are so fun!

1 Response to "A typical Sunday at East Coast Park"

  • Donna Says:

    How fun!! The squeaking kangaroo shoes are hilarious and I bet they are a GREAT workout! Those skateboard thingies are all over the place here... they look impossible - good job, Kingsley!!