Proudly PR

After much discussion Kingsley and I went through the process to apply to become permanent residents in Singapore. Word on the street is that as of late it has become incredibly difficult to actually get PR status here and we have heard story after story of friends who have lived here for years who have applied and been denied. Supposedly the chances of acceptance increase the longer you live here. So we went through the process with the thought that it was worth a try but with no expectation of actually being approved. And then suddenly we were approved... which is fantastic for so many reasons. And a little scary for some other reasons (i.e. all boys must serve 2 years in the Singapore military).

So last week Kingsley and I marched ourselves down to the Immigration Authority building and had our fingerprints scanned, a HIV test and a chest X-ray which were all needed for final approval. And now I can proudly say we are officially permanent residents in Singapore!

We were told to bring 2 passport photos with us to the final interview. However the immigration officer after a quick glance at our - perfectly within regulation - passport photos said "too glau-sey lah" which translates to mean our photos were not good enough and we needed to have special non-glossy photos taken. Crazy!

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