Podge, Sandy and Fraggle Play time

These kittens are growing like weeds! This week they learned how to stalk and pounce on each other, it's just too cute not to capture on video!

A little bit of history on naming the kittens. In the first few hours they are with us they are traditionally given "Kingsley names" which are typically somewhat strange. Names like: poofy, numb numb, titch, pirate, goatee to share a few from the past. Once they are given their "Kingsley name" I spend the next few days frantically trying to find some kind of similar sounding but alternate name to give them that isnt so crazy. If I cant find a new name within a few days, generally the "Kingsley name" sticks.

When we brought these guys home Kingsley immediately gave them the names: Sand Wedge (solid orange striped male), Freckles (orange and white male) and Hodge Podge (white calico female). It wasn't easy but I was able to modify Freckles to Fraggle (Fraggle Rock is the full legal name). Sand Wedge has been shortened to Sandy as I didn't think Wedgie would be appropriate. Can you imagine the teasing he would endure! Hodge Podge has been a bit difficult. I considered HP as an option but that sounded very technical. So I am calling her Podge at the moment as she is chubbiest of the three and during feeding time she is the one who climbs into the food bowl for better access to the food and to block her brothers!

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