Hong Kong - CyBaPoh & Victoria Harbor

View from our room

Our hotel was located in an area of Hong Kong called Cyberport - a great little spot right on the ocean and a little bit away from all the action. The only tricky thing about the location was trying to communicate it to the taxi drivers. We tried several combinations of verbal intonations and volume fluctuations before I finally cracked the code. The driver expressed instant recognition when the word Cyberport was pronounced "CY - BA - POH". From that point on Kingsley would look at me expectantly when we got into the taxi and I was only to happy to show off my new skill!

Day two we explored Victoria Harbor on the Star Ferry. Its such a beautiful area, they day was slightly overcast but it was a warm spring day. What more could you ask for?

The ferry dropped us on the other side of the harbor in an area of Hong Kong called Kowloon which has a magical little place called Nathan Street (AKA -shoppers paradise)! We (and by that I mean me shopping & Kingsley playing games on iphone) spent quite some time exploring the shopping scene and Kingsley very patiently waited for me outside countless stores.

However he is still working on not saying things like:
"you call that fashion?"
"I cant believe anyone would pay money for that"
"why do you need another dress when you already have several?"

You cant win them all! But you gotta love the guy who spots a $200,000 diamond encrusted iphone cover. At least he is consistent in his passions for all things gadget focused!

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