Seattle - Salmon Days

My parents live in a town called Issaquah which, for a few weeks every fall, becomes slightly famous because the creek that runs through town is where as many as 10,000-20,000 adult salmon return from the pacific ocean to lay their eggs.  Just so happens I was in Seattle during that special egg laying time so my mom and I stopped by the hatchery to watch the salmon for a while.  Funny I lived in Issaquah for years and drove by the hatchery daily but never really took the time to stop and explore it. I guess being away for a while has given me a fresh perspective...

High tech Mama Goetsch using her iPhone to film the salmon.

1 Response to "Seattle - Salmon Days"

  • Donna Says:

    We have a salmon pilgrimage here too. The Nimbus Hatchery is a favorite place to visit with the kids. The long "salmon ladders" are pretty fascinating to see - the kids love to see which fishes jump the highest. :)