Bali - Ubud daytrip

The whole gang took a day trip up to Ubud the cultural center of Bali to:

- drink Luwak (poop) coffee
- immerse ourselves in holy water temple culture
- find our "center" in the terraced rice patties
- order a (show-stopping, jaw-dropping) non-vegan lunch in front of the (uber flexible, dreadlock wearing) yogis at Kafe in the heart of Ubud.

John and Rooney were both brave enough to try Luwak (poop) coffee and both were happy to say that item was finally checked off their bucket list!

This contraption is the device that is used to make the coffee.  Very scientific.

There is just something so special about Ubud.  This was my third trip to Ubud yet I don't think I could ever get tired of it.  I found it very fun to share some of our favorite spots with the group and everyone was incredibly patient with my role as the (sometimes bossy) tour guide.

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