Japan - Aoki Parawaiting

I have spent enough long days parawaiting (waiting for the right wind conditions) to know that the MOST important rule to surviving the wait is to have great snacks with you.  The chances of finding any food on the side of a remote mountain are almost non-exsistant.  So I have learned to bring my own supply of nourishment for the day.

Only in Japan could one find Wasabi Mayo flavored Pringles.  Which are actually delicious and may be my new favorite snack.  They are the perfect parawaiting snack. 

Aoki is a tiny little village about an hour south of Nagano so almost 2 hours away from our cabin at Lake Nojiri. The village is quaint and beautiful and it would have been an amazing place for Kingsley to fly. Unfortunately, the wind conditions were too strong the day we visited so it was not safe to fly. We made the best of the situation and had a lovely picnic lunch up at the launch and then spent a few hours exploring some of the old farm houses and hotels in the town. 

Enjoying our paragliders picnic lunch (tuna with crackers and cheese) as we waited in hopes that the wind conditions would mellow out. 

As we walked around the picture card pretty village of Aoki we came across Masuya Ryokan a traditional old Meiji era hotel. It is historically a well known ryokan. It is with out a doubt very peaceful and relaxing. Old cobble stone streets that wind up the hill from the Masuya ryokan were a budding photographer's (Kingsley) dream which was the next best thing since paragliding was not an option that day. 

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