Chiang Mai - Elephants

I had this idea...that when we were in Chiang Mai we could all (Kingsley and his parents) do this experience called Elephant Owner for a day.  During this experience you feed the elephants, bath them in the river, check their poop to make sure they are healthy and are not dehydrated, ride them to a waterfall and swim with the elephants.  Honestly to me that sounds like almost the perfect day!  Plus the experience helps to fund an elephant conservation program in Northern Thailand.  

However, I wasn't too sure how Graham and Lesley would feel about it.  So I cautiously mentioned the highlights to them - learning about elephants - and might have left out some of the more extreme activities like riding the elephant bareback and swimming in a waterfall with the elephant.  With the limited information they received they graciously agreed to participate in the Elephant owner for a day experience but my conscience got the better of me.  Deep down I just knew that checking elephant poop with my inlaws was probably NOT going to be a bonding experience for us. 

So we had another elephant experience.  Much less extreme but still an incredible opportunity to witness the intelligence and grace of the Thai elephant up close and personal. 

This little guys was only one day old

Lesley initially was hesitant to get close the elephants or to feed them but by the end she got close enough to feed them a few bananas. 

Lesley and I couldn't help but notice this snazzy outfit.  I only wish I could have captured the front view which showed off yet another layer of color contrast...a bright pink and white striped polo shirt. 

Who knew that elephants could paint better than I ever could

6 month old baby and mama.

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